Now You're Playing With Podcast
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
54 episodes of Now You're Playing With Podcast since the first episode, which aired on August 11th, 2021.
Volume 25 (feat. Battletoads AGAIN, Borderlands, Retirement)
June 1st, 2022 | 1 hr 10 mins
battletoads, brett sheriff, comedy, geeks, howard, magazine, nes, nes tournament golf, nester, nintendo, nintendo power, snes, spy hunter, the hunt for red october, video games, westin lee
Brett and Westin are recording at night. It's a new vibe! Get ready for volume 25!!!
Volume 24 (feat. Battletoads, The Rocketeer, Bill & Teds Excellent Adventure)
May 17th, 2022 | 1 hr 25 mins
battletoads, bill & teds excellent adventure, brett sheriff, comedy, howard, magazine, magic darts, monopoly, nes, nester, nintendo, nintendo power, the rocketeer, vice project doom, video games, westin lee
Brett and Westin are on volume 24, we'll be on volume 500 before we know it!
Volume 23 with Chad Rietschel (feat. Chicken, Turkey, Monopoly)
May 4th, 2022 | 1 hr 39 mins
brett sheriff, comedy, howard, magazine, monopoly, nascar, nes, nester, nintendo, nintendo power, power blade, s.c.a.t., sim city, sword master, totally rad, video games, westin lee
Brett and Westin are joined by the big Chad for another volume of Nintendo Power!
Volume 22 (feat. Metalstorm, Battletoads, Princess Tomato)
April 20th, 2022 | 1 hr 11 mins
adventure island, battletoads, brett sheriff, comedy, howard, magazine, metalstorm, nes, nester, nintendo, nintendo power, princess tomato, snes, startropics, video games, westin lee
Brett and Westin crack open volume 22. We're really making progress here!
Volume 21 with Kyle Sweeney (feat. TMNT II, Star Tropics, Battle Tech)
April 6th, 2022 | 1 hr 56 mins
brett sheriff, comedy, howard, magazine, nes, nester, nintendo, nintendo power, startropics, teenage mutant ninja turtles, tmnt arcade, video games, westin lee
Brett, Westin, and Kyle go over Volume 21 of the Nintendo Power magazine!
Volume 19/20 with Chase Omark (feat. Mega Man III, Piano, SNES)
March 23rd, 2022 | 1 hr 49 mins
brett sheriff, chase omark, comedy, deja vu, dragons lair, f-zero, howard, magazine, mega man 3, mega man iii, nes, nester, nintendo, nintendo power, pilotwings, snes, super mario world, tetris, video games, westin lee
Brett and Westin are joined by Chase Omark to crack open volume 20 of the Nintendo Power magazine.
Volume 17/18 with Andy Petruzzo (feat. Dr. Mario, Castlevania III, Family Guy)
March 9th, 2022 | 1 hr 28 mins
andy petruzzo, brett sheriff, castlevania, comedy, dr. mario, game boy, howard, little nemo, magazine, nes, nester, nintendo, nintendo power, video games, westin lee
Westin, Brett, and Andy take down Volumes 17 and 18 of the Nintendo Power magazine!
Volume 15/16 (feat. Strategy Guides, Bioshock, Monster Truck Calendars)
February 23rd, 2022 | 1 hr 42 mins
bioshock, brett sheriff, comedy, dragon warrior, fallout, howard, magazine, maniac mansion, monster trucks, nester, nintendo, nintendo power, roller games, sadness, strategy guides, video games, westin lee
Brett and Westin take down another volume of Nintendo Power. Reeeal original!
Volume 13/14 (feat. Rescue Rangers, Garfield, Castlevania III)
February 9th, 2022 | 1 hr 31 mins
brett sheriff, castlevania, chip n dale, comedy, final fantasy, gameboy, garfield, golgo 13 ii, howard, john, magazine, nester, nintendo, nintendo power, snake's revenge, video games, westin lee
Brett and Westin sort of skip issue #13 since it's just a strategy guide on Mario Bros 3. We move on to Issue #14! It's fun stuff.
Volume 12 (feat. Final Fantasy, Flight Simulators, and Nintendo Merch)
January 26th, 2022 | 1 hr 32 mins
brett sheriff, comedy, dynowarz, final fantasy, flight simulators, golgo 13, howard, magazine, nester, ninja gaiden, nintendo, nintendo power, quix, super c, video games, westin lee
Brett and Westin completely demolish Issue #12 of the Nintendo Power Magazine
Volume 11 with KP Parker (feat. Mario Bros 3, The Sims, and Final Fantasy)
January 12th, 2022 | 1 hr 41 mins
a boy and his blob, brett sheriff, choose your own adventure, comedy, draggon warrior, final fantasy, howard, magazine, mario bros 3, nester, nintendo, nintendo power, nintendo power awards, pinbot, super c, the sims, video games, westin lee
Brett and Westin are joined by KP Parker to dissect and destroy Issue #11 of the Nintendo Power magazine
Volume 10 with Ali Ghandour (feat. Batman, Double Dragon II, Mario Bros 3)
December 29th, 2021 | 1 hr 48 mins
ali ghandour, batman, brett sheriff, comedy, double dragon, howard, mario bros 3, nes, nester, nintendo, nintendo power, river city ransom, video games, westin lee
Brett, Westin, and Ali take down Issue #10. It's a real treat!
Xmas Rodeo with Chase Omark, Chad Rietschel, and Andy Petruzzo
December 15th, 2021 | 1 hr 23 mins
andy petruzzo, brett sheriff, buddies, chad rietschel, chase omark, comedy, dune, genesis, gunstar heroes, magazine, mortal kimbat ii, mortal kombat, nintendo, nintendo power, ristar, sega, streets of rage 2, westin lee
We ditch Nintendo Power and play Sega Genesis games with buddies.
Volume 9 with Chase Omark (feat. Tetris, Mega Man II, and Ducks)
December 1st, 2021 | 1 hr 40 mins
brett sheriff, chase omark, comedy, howard, magazine, mega man, nester, nintendo, nintendo power, power, power glove, tetris, the wizard, video games, westin lee, willow
Brother Bones and Dr. Slice are joined by Mr. Frenzy to tackle another excellent issue of Nintendo Power.
Volume 8 (feat. Duck Tales, Game Boy, and Inception)
November 17th, 2021 | 2 hrs 5 mins
brett sheriff, comedy, counsoler's corner, dragon warrior, duck tales, fester's quest, game boy, howard, magazine, nes satellite, nester, nintendo, nintendo power, power, roger rabbit, video games, westin lee
Brett and Westin read Issue #8 of the Nintendo Power magazine. They cover topics such as Duck Tales, the Game Boy, and some classic Howard & Nester antics.
Volume 7 (feat. Mega Man II, Dragon Warrior, and Robocop)
November 3rd, 2021 | 1 hr 54 mins
brett sheriff, comedy, dragon warrior, howard, magazine, mega man, nester, nintendo, nintendo power, power, robocop, video games, westin lee
You know the drill. Brett and Westin go over another Nintendo Power magazine. Buckle in!